Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Opening Sequence Analysis of panic room

Camera Shot/Angle/Movement

The shots used in the opening sequence of panic room are extreme long shots, high angle shots, low angle shots. These shots used are of buildings in america. They also have texts of the producers and actors etc. This is a very strange opening as you do not know anything about panic room and the opening just makes you more and more suspicious and curious. Also, i notice that different shots will start off in different ways. For example, one shot will start at a low angle and then move its way up the building slowly. Yet on other shots the shots will be fast and sideways or go downwards and go slowly. 


The sound used in panic room matches well with the theme created. It is at first very slow almost spooky in a way. Then when the shot where the text ‘panic room’ appears the sound gets slower and weirder to add effect of the text being shown. Then after the shot is over and the next shot appears the music is quicker and more upbeat. There is also a clock ticking being played in the background which gives us the effect and suspense. The music also has a beat and is fast, it sometimes goes back to the first piece of sound we hear but still with the clock ticking in the background. All the sounds we hear are recognizable yet they give the opening more of a curious, strange opening where we have no idea as to what panic room is all about.


The cuts used in the opening sequence are all short and blunt. This creates suspense and without this i do not think the opening would be as good as it is now. The only cut which is the longest is the one where the text ‘panic room’ is being shown. 

Mise en Scene

in Panic Room, the mise en scene is so mysterious and clueless to what Panic Room is all about. Panic room shows us a lot of shots of buildings from plenty of shots such as birds eye view shot, establishing shot etc.



There are no characters presented to us in the opening of Panic Room. However, there are names that appear at each shot and are the actresses, actors, directors, producers etc. 


The location is in america. we can see this because all the shots that are used are of buildings and are mostly birds eye view shots. We do not know the specific location of where panic room is set but it looks a bit like new york. The location doesn't really help us to get any ideas about panic room because there is nothing unusual or anything that stands out. However,when you watch the location and the music together they make the location seem very curious as you do not know what it means.


From watching the opening of panic room, there is no obvious plot or story. There is hardly any information to give us any idea of what is going on in panic room. The only information we get from panic room is who is in the film and who produces it etc as the names are in the shots with the buildings. 


There is not much information to help us to figure out what the theme of panic room. However, panic room can be linked with the opening of psycho which has a similar opening to panic room, hitchcock uses panning shots of buildings in the opening of his film psycho. This could be linked with panic room and have similar themes. 

Visual Style

Panic room has a visual style that we do not usually see in other openings. Panic Room is very bare yet makes us really interested and intrigued to watch it. It contains a lot of information but that information is only names of who is in Panic Room, who has directed it etc. Of course that doesn’t really mean much to audiences. I think the main factors that attract us to Panic Room is the music, the shots and the complete contrast of Panic Room to any other openings of films. Usually you get a little look at the characters or a clip of a scene that  shows how great panic room. However, all you get is the total opposite. You see a variety of shots of buildings in America. 


The theme of Panic Room is a thriller. Even though there are no obvious hints or  signs to show that Panic Room is a thriller, we know that it is a thriller because of the director and the synapses that Panic Room has. The kind of techniques that have been used in Panic Room clearly show us that this is a thriller as they make us really interested in what is going on and what is going to happen. 

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